JOSEPH HAMBURGER - Collected Volume
Auction of November 4, 1907, etc., Frankfurt/Main.Max Ritter von Wilmersdörffer Coin and Medal Collection.Fourth Series: Coins and medals from Russia, Poland, the Baltic countries, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, as well as associated ecclesiastical and secular rulers, cities, and private individuals.IV + 76 pages, 4 plates, item numbers 11532–13239.Auction of June 21, 1909, and June 28–30, 1909, Frankfurt/Main.Max Ritter von Wilmersdörffer Coin and Medal Collection.Fifth Series: Coins and medals from Austria-Hungary, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, and Ireland.IV + 216 pages, 8 plates, item numbers 13240–18452.Price list bound in.Bound together in artificial leather.Ex Libris Domenico Rossi.
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