Căutare avansată Căutare avansată
Marciniak star_border
Sesiunea 1 , 28 Ianuarie 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 685
Ancient coins 161
keyboard_arrow_down keyboard_arrow_up
Greece 22
Celts 1
Roman Republic 3
keyboard_arrow_down keyboard_arrow_up
Roman Empire 91
Augustus (Octavian) 27 B.C-A.D. 14 3
Tiberius 14-37 4
Claudius 41-54 1
Nero 54-68 1
Vitellius 69 1
Vespasian 69-79 2
Domitian 81-96 1
Trajan 98-117 2
Hadrian 117-138 1
Septimius Severus 193-211 3
Julia Domna 193-217 2
Geta 198-209 1
Caracalla 198-217 1
Macrinus 217-218 1
Elagabalus 218-222 1
Severus Alexander 222-235 4
Maximinus Thrax 235-238 2
Gordian III 238-244 11
Philip I (the Arabs) 244-249 3
Otacilia Severa 244-249 3
Trajan Decius 249-251 3
Trebonianus Gallus 251-253 1
Salonina 253-268 1
Claudius II Gothicus 268-270 2
Aurelian 270-275 1
Carus 282-283 1
Karinus 283-285 1
Diocletian 284-305 2
Helena 325-329 1
Constantine I 306-337 6
Licinius II 317-324 1
Kryspus 317-326 1
Dalmatius 335-337 1
Konstantyn II 337-340 2
Constantius II 337-361 2
Constantius Gallus 351-354 1
Julianus II Apostata 360-363 2
Iovianus 363-364 1
Valens 364-378 1
zestawy i varia 12
Regnum Barbaricum 4
keyboard_arrow_down keyboard_arrow_up
Byzantium 2
Mixed lots 4
Books 34
Antiques 85
Sesiunea 2 , 29 Ianuarie 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 822
Asia and Middle East 48
South and North America 35
Africa 4
Coins lots 97
Books 30
Sesiunea 3 , 30 Ianuarie 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 531
Sesiunea 4 , 31 Ianuarie 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 517
Medals and plaques 65
Partitions of Poland 1772-1864 134
Emergency coins 51
Poland 1916-1939 229
Danzig 1920-1939 31
Ghetto Lodz 3
Books 4
Sesiunea 5 , 01 Februarie 14:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 255
Sesiunea 6 , 02 Februarie 11:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 1 129
Wybrana literatura 22
Poland before 1506 120
Sigismund I the Old 1506-1548 47
Albrecht Hohenzollern, Prussia 26
Sigismund II August 1545-1572 50
Henry III of France 1573-1575 3
Siege of Danzig 1577 2
Stephen Bathory 1576-1586 31
Sigismund III Vasa 1587-1632 291
George Wilhelm - Prussia 8
Ladislaus IV Vasa 1632-1648 2
Karol Ferdynand Waza 1
John II Casimir 1648-1668 97
Michael I Korybut 1669-1673 4
John III Sobieski 1674-1696 37
Augustus II the Strong 1697-1733 5
Stanisław Leszczyński 1704-9, 1733-6 1
Augustus III of Poland 1733-1763 36
Coins of August III sons 1
Stanislaus August Poniatowski 1764-1795 48
Varia 6
Lots 47
Coins related to Poland 134
Sesiunea 7 , 03 Februarie 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 409
Sesiunea 8 , 04 Februarie 17:00
keyboard_arrow_downkeyboard_arrow_up 528
Notele monedelor, medaliilor și bancnotelor
Starea de conservare

Licitația 25 - iarna '25 Ancient coins | Roman Empire | Diocletian 284-305

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